The setup lacks distinct left and right mouse buttons, but you can click the lower area of the pad to obtain the same actions. And you can slide in from the right border to call up the charm bar, or slide it from the left to switch between applications. It supports all of the usual Windows 8 gestures, including two-finger scrolling, zoom, rotate, and flip. The touchpad is centered beneath the keyboard, so it’s off center from wrist rest, but that’s where it should be.

If your arms get tired from reaching out to stroke the Satellite’s screen, you can use its touchpad, instead. Toshiba The Toshiba Satellite is one of the more attractive notebooks on the market. Text appears most legibly when the screen is tilted back but bring it even slightly forward-as you might have to do when using the computer on your airline tray table, if the passenger in front of you decides to recline-and you may not be able to read it at all. The display is attractive enough, if you position it just so. The Satellite L55Dt features a 15.6-inch, LED-backlit touchscreen display with a native resolution of 1366 by 768 pixels.